Thursday, February 19, 2015

30 Days of Lists + Erin Condren On-The-Go Notebook

Hi all!  Beginning March 1, 2015 I am participating in "30 Days of Lists"! 

What is THAT?!?  Well it is a month long challenge using prompts to make daily lists.  For me it was a way to get back to my writing and creative side.  I am using my beautiful Erin Condren On-The-Go Notebook.  If you missed my Life Planner post, go don't want to miss it!  I love all things Erin Condren.

Instead of spamming you with daily posts I thought I would post a weekly re-cap of the previous week lists.

Above is a sneak peek of my cover for March.  Hope you like it!

If you're interested in participating there is still time!  Just go to for more information!  I hope you'll join me on this list journey.

If you are new to Erin Condren products and would like a $10 off coupon, please go here.

Stay tuned!
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PS:  This is not a sponsored post by Erin Condren or  - I used my own money to purchase my On-The-Go Notebook and all accessories for it - all thoughts and opinions are my own!  I love these products so much that I wanted to share with you all.  If you use my Erin Condren referral link (as mentioned above) you will receive $10 off your first purchase and I will also receive $10 on a future purchase.  Happy shopping!

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  1. First off…Welcome back! Missed ya! Second, This sounds like a good idea. I am looking into it.

    1. Thanks Laura!!! I needed to get back to it. I'm excited about the 30 lists!

  2. Good Luck with your lists! I love making lists to get stuff done. Otherwise, I usually forget something.


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