Sunday, December 29, 2013

A New Year is almost upon us!

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  Sometimes I do....usually not though.  This year I think I'll just go back to basics and practice what I already know.  A time to refocus on health.

So instead of actually writing a blog today, I'm going to share a great article that was shared in my facebook news-feed today by a very good friend.  It's these things that we should focus on going in to another year.  Because as we already know, the older we get, the more time flies right on by us.  Enjoy...


George Carlin's wife died early in 2008 and George followed her, dying in July 2008. It is ironic George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent and so very appropriate. An observation by George Carlin:

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.

Remember to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, 'I love you' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.

And always remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.

George Carlin

Friday, December 13, 2013

How music affects me (us)....

I had a vacation day from work today.  So I decided to get my grocery shopping done today instead of tomorrow.  We're supposedly getting 4-6 inches of snow, so I imagine tomorrow will be a nightmare at the store.  (what IS up with that?!?)

Came home and baked some zucchini bread (My Mom's recipe YUM!)  The best part of being home alone is blasting music.  Isn't that the greatest thing EVER?  We all have different tastes in music so being alone let's me just "be" who I am.  I listen to a play list I made...with all my favorite songs on it.  And I love it!

That got me thinking while busy in the kitchen about music and how it affects us.  Having Ministers of Music for parents I learned to love all kinds of music growing up.  I thank my parents for my love of all kinds.

I like classical, easy listening, country, pop, and if you know me, you know my soft spot is hard rock.  That's what I prefer, but do listen to everything.  Sometimes on my lunch break, I'll put in my ear buds and go to my Amazon cloud player and just jam away my stress.  It makes me feel better.  There are words to songs that I hear that seem to tell my life story and I think they are singing directly to me.  Then there are those words that say exactly what you would say to another person, or describe how you are feeling toward that person.

A perfect example is Scott Stapp's new album "Proof of Life".  Every song he wrote is from his heart.  You can hear him going through life stuff and it reaches out to people of all kinds.  Check it out, it's a great CD.

I couldn't live with out music.  I would not function!

How does music affect you?

Rock on!

PS - I did the music staff picture at the top - I might start sharing some of my drawings...maybe.  Be kind if you comment.  :-)

Friday, December 6, 2013

The older I get, the more time flies

This little clock is cruising along on a paper plane.  It's cute, but I chose this picture because that is how I view "time" the older I get.  It just keeps flying right on by quicker each year.

I can remember as a kid how summer break seemed to go on FOREVER!  We'd play with our friends outside till dark, go to Brookside Pool (locals, remember that pool beside Long's Park?) and visit our favorite beach in Sea Isle City, NJ.

Just today, I'm sitting here at my desk and wondering how it got to be almost Christmas-time already!  I mean, really.  I feel like I was just in Corolla, NC with my best friend in August on a fabulous vacation.

Then of course, the more time flies, the older I'm getting too.  I sometimes forget how old I am.  Till I get up and the aches and pains remind me.  :-)  And as I'm aging, so are my parents!

So I decided that being adult is really overrated and I'd really like to go back to crayoning, doing my latch hook rug, my paint-by-numbers and body surfing ocean waves in to shore.  If you need me, you know where I'll my fort made of blankets. 

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Do you have hidden artistic talents?

For me, I think I do.  I mean I have so many things rolling around inside my head all the time.  I like to write.  I've been wanting to write a book for a long time!  So I started this blog and hardly use it.  :(  I think it about too hard then I get frustrated and just stop thinking about it.

I like to paint - either free hand or paint-by-numbers.  LOL  Yep, did those as a young kid!  Still like to do them.  I like to pencil draw/doodle.  So I get myself a sketch pad and pencils.  I drew a picture of Jesus.  I started drawing other objects.  Mostly just doodling.  Then I set it aside and Hubby gets irritated with it just sitting there.  HAHA! 

I don't know how to take these things in my head and put them to use.  I guess not giving up would be the first thing.  Just keep practicing.  I feel I have something deep down inside me, just need to figure out how to pull it out.

How do you bring out your artistic talents?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Reflecting on this Labor Day....

I think I like this definition a little better.  Not that my childhood was horrible or anything.  Far from it!  But did you ever think about the way you were and wonder if your parents wanted to give you up for adoption?  LOL

I had an awesome visit with my parents yesterday.  I say that like they live hundreds of miles away.  Nope, only about 10 if that.  I should visit with them more often.  I enjoy our conversations and their wisdom and humor.  My Mom handed me a stack of "letters" that I wrote to them over the years.  My first thought was "you kept all these?!".  Then my second thought was "uh oh".  I do remember writing some of those letters as a teenager.  Need I say more?

I think to sum up "me" - I was the black sheep of the family so to speak.  I think this started as "tween" as they call it today.  I head butted everything they tried to do for me.  And "for" I mean for my well-being, my ethics, my spirituality etc..  Needless to say, reading some of those letters was very hard for me.  I could see I was trying to find myself and expressed my feelings at the time through the letters.  Hence why I like to write/blog/journal today.  Wish I did it more often.

Anyway, today I spent a lot of time reflecting back on my childhood.  I didn't just realize this, but I reminded myself again what my parents were trying to do back then.  And I can appreciate it now even though I didn't at the time.  I wrote them a letter today.  Yes, HAND wrote a letter.  I was going to email, then I was going to type it out.  Nope, decided to sit down and just let the words flow through my pen on to the paper.  I'm glad I did.  I'm thankful both my parents are still with me today.  Next month they will celebrate 50 (FIFTY!!!!) years of marriage.  This does not surprise me AT ALL!  They are strong in their faith, strong with their love for each other and I am so happy and proud to call them my parents.

Tell the ones you love how you feel NOW before they aren't here any longer and you wish you would have.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Pages we like...

Ahhh Facebook.......we can't live with out it!  Well I speak for myself I guess.  I love facebook.  It keeps me in touch with my dear friends & family who live far away.  I also "like" pages that interest me.  I click on that like button because the company, or subject speaks to me in some way.  Perhaps I like the product(s) or like to see the positive motivation come across my newsfeed.  But the general idea is you LIKE it, hence the reason you clicked on the like button.  Follow?  LOL

So as time allows I sometimes read the original post and the comments that follow below it.  I don't know why it amuses me, but I like to read what people write.  For the most part they are agreeing with the original post.  But then the ones that really amuse me are the people who bash it.  They disagree, or hate the company or product, blah blah blah.  But why?  I mean, if you "like" the page you obviously liked it by choice.  But yet people are rude and mean in the comments.  Did someone force them to like the page?

I guess people are strange.  The older I get the more I realize this. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Workplace does happen

For DOES happen!  We usually relate bullying to young kids in school, but I've seen it here, at my work more than I would like to admit.  It's not right...whether you are an adult or a young person. 

At the workplace is a hard one to figure out though.  Here you have grown adults who should "know better" yet I see it happening.  At first it might be excused as "boy, they sure are having a bad day", but it happens again and again, over and over.  Now we have a problem.

Are they just that miserable in their own lives that they feel the need to do this?  Or maybe they are stressed out and it comes out as bullying.  I don't care what your reasons are, it's WRONG.  I have asked our HR department to implement some kind of employee training/awareness program.  The scary thing is, it's the managers I see doing the bullying.  Now there's a great way to set an example for your employees.

This is exactly what it looks like.  Old school management went out in the 80's, folks.  Get with the program and quit bullying.  End of rant. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Less is More

This statement always makes me think.  I guess it's a good thing that it enters my mind a lot, but what does it mean really?  Some people may relate this quote to recycling and the less we throw in a land fill the more land (Earth) we have.  While this is also a good thing, it's not the first thing that comes to my mind.

I have heard this quote many times in the past while visiting different churches (while trying to find the one where I fit in).  Less is More.  Less stuff, less possessions, less technology = a more simple life to serve God.  This really is what I am reminded of when I hear this quote.

So in today's world of technology and information at our finger tips (literally) how does one do this?  I am honest when I say that I love the technology that surrounds me.  I have my (smart) phone with me at all times.  I have a laptop, a Kindle Fire HD and other things to make my life "easier".  The thought of unplugging scares me!  Yet "less is more" sounds like the way to go when you think about it.

Perhaps it might be the way we live in our homes.  I have lots of stuff.  Clothes that I don't wear, things that I have collected over the years but can't part with (or so I think).  I was having this conversation with my co-worker this morning and as she reminded me "we can't take it with us".  True.  So I think I will start thinking of the "stuff" I have and come up with a game plan to try and live more simply. 

Could you benefit from "Less is More"?


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Messages from another vibration

This is Pap Axe.  He is Scott's Grandfather (Scott's Mother's Father).   After reading this blog, you will understand why I have Pap's picture here.  Pap went "home" last Spring.  He suffered from dementia which ultimately ended his life (complications of).  He lived a full life of 94 years.
Those that know me well know that I believe that our loved ones never really "leave" us.  The said "Heaven" is really only about 3 feet above us.  On a different vibration.  I believe that people are able to communicate with our loved ones.  We have such a person locally here which I am very happy about.  Her name is Francine Milano and she is a Psychic Medium.  She was having a spirit circle gallery last night and I went with Scott, my daughter, and 3 other good friends.  There were 40 people there hoping to receive a message.
Not only did Francine deliver 40 messages, she touched on many things that rang true to me.  Hearing these things validates to me that this is what I choose to follow and believe.  One of the things that sticks out in my mind was her talking about religion, the bible etc..  What it all comes down to is what is working for you.  I personally have not found a "church" that I am comfortable in yet.  I am working on that as I find myself wanting to belong somewhere, but have not found that one yet. That will be for another blog sometime! My favorite author Sylvia Browne (and also a Psychic Medium) has a saying that I will always remember.  "Take what you want and leave the rest behind".
Francine stopped right at Scott and I.  My heart started pounding!  She delivered a message to us from Pap.  Saying he is "OK" now (of sound mind) and was ready to go.  She said he had some type of chest issues (the complication was fluid in his lungs) which ultimately he let go.  His wife was waiting for him.  Such a wonderful thing for Scott to hear. 
I think the strangest thing about the whole experience was today while at the mall picking up my "old lady glasses" we run in to Scott's Mom.  This is strange because there is no communication between Scott and his Mom.  In fact, we hadn't seen her or talked to her since Pap's funeral.  And yet we see her today and tell her about the message from Pap (her Father).  Coincidence?
I highly recommend Francine.  She was very gentle and kind. 
Have you had any experiences from beyond?  If so, share them!  I'd love to read them. 

Bifocals?!?!?!! WHAT?!

Last week I went for my every 2 year check up for my eyes.  I take a medicine for my asthma that could affect my eyes in some way, so I go when the insurance allows me to.  I currently wear glasses when I am driving, but that is it.  I've noticed that while reading my Kindle or other work close up I was needing "readers" - yanno, like the ones you pick up at CVS for $9.99.  So that seemed to work for me.

The appointment did not really go too well.  I could tell while trying to read the letters on the wall in front of me (which I think somehow they moved it further away when I came in just to mess with me) that it was worse this time around.  She started flipping the lenses around.  "Is 1 or 2 better?" and so on.  It looked so much better but hated to admit it out loud!

Then she flips down a paper with paragraphs written REALLY small and they got a little bigger as they went down the page.  I'm sure you know where this is going.

The examination is finished and she flips the light on and proceeds to tell me she recommends bifocals.  WAIT, WHAT?  COME AGAIN??  NOOOOOOOOOO!  Now being someone who didn't grow up with any eye issues what-so-ever, this is not easy news to take.  So after thinking it over (about 1 minute) I decide I would rather have 2 pairs of glasses instead of wearing bifocals.  Yep, sure did. 

Just kidding......but for now I plan to try and get away with wearing the distance ones while I'm driving only and the readers for computer work and reading.  Wish me luck!

PS:  don't forget to sign up to receive emails when I update my blog!  And leave me comments!  I'd love to hear from nice.  LOL

Friday, February 15, 2013

Customer Service-isms...

Oh the joy of working in the customer service field!  If you are currently employed in customer service you will know exactly what I am talking about. 

From the co worker that points out the obvious to start conversation ("oh wow, making copies, huh?" YOU THINK?!), to the people calling us with their strange antics, grumpy personalities and whatever else be wrong with them.  Luckily I work with very funny people, so usually we can let these things roll right off and laugh them off.  We are amused by the littlest things.  People's accents (and yes, if you are NOT from Pennsylvania, you sound like you have an accent to us), the strange things they ask, and don't forget the other people that work in the building who can be just as strange (and don't forget condescending)!

How about the person that calls and is requesting a part number for a product, you probably know it off the top of your head, so you may ask a few questions to be sure you are giving the correct part number.  You start rattling off the number and the person says "Oh wait...let me get a pen and paper".  Ok, now if you were calling for a part number, wouldn't you have that ready? 

A lot of the funny stuff happens after the call ends and we share amongst ourselves what might have just happened.  For instance, the other day, my co worker was talking with a person who works for the same company but in a different city (her name is "rude").  After the call my co worker says "Is this a truck stop, or WHAT??"  LOL In which I replied "Perhaps, because she answers her emails the same way she answers her phone".  Ay Ay Ay!

Then there is the type of person who will throw you under the bus.  These people we usually know about ahead of time and they are known as "bus pushers".   There are also people who will reply to emails (even management) and they do not use spell check.  This annoys me.  They also will not read the entire email they are responding to; therefore, will give some off the wall, misspelled reply that makes absolutely no sense.  These are known as "knee jerk" replies. 

So there is a Friday blog for you.  Just a little insight to the customer service world.  I'm sure I will touch on this some more in another blog since the list keeps growing.

Have a nice weekend everyone!



Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What would they say?

I have a good friend that posted this on his Facebook status and I thought it was very interesting and thought provoking:

If the team from 60 minutes asked your family and friends to name the things most important to you, what would they say? What's the funniest thing? What would you hope they would say?

So interesting in fact, I thought I would write about it!  (Don't worry I asked him if he minded and he said of course not!) 

I think this would depend on "who" they asked.  If they asked my family what is important to me, they probably would say my dogs and foster dogs, my job, my love for music, my fitness and weight goals. 

Some of the things they might wonder about:  why I am so quiet sometimes, why I don't call more often, why I fell off the religion boat.  The funniest thing they would probably say about me is the stories I tell them about my dogs and my facial expressions. 

The things I hope they would say about me is that I am a caring, spiritual, have a big heart, good listener and like to help others.  And even though I did not follow my family on that religious boat, I am still a spiritual person, just in a different way!

NOW!  If you ask my friends (LOL) you might hear different things.  The number one thing my friends would say is important to me is ZUMBA!  I fell in love with ZUMBA and became an instructor.  I'm constantly talking about it.  They also know my love for music - all kinds of music.  From classical, top 40, Spanish, hip hop, classic rock, 80's and 90's, head bangin' - you name it.  My work friends would probably say I am "by the book" and try to give the best customer service even though we are limited to what we can do.

The funniest things they might say is how I always have a new bruise to show on my legs (especially in the summer), I like wine, how I have two left feet sometimes and stumble (yes, even in ZUMBA class, I just keep moving and pretend it was part of the choreography!), how sarcastic I can be and add alcohol to any of these things and it just becomes a production!  :)

The things I hope they would say about me is that I am a loyal friend, one who cares about all of them in different ways.  I am a Capricorn - it's just embedded in me, I can't help it! 

So how about YOU?!?  This really made me think long and hard about myself.  What would people say about YOU?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First blog!

So here is my first "blog".  I think I am really a writer at heart, but never really did anything with it.  I thought about writing a book but then decided to try this blog thing first and see how that goes.  Just the choice alone of which blog to go with was stressful enough.  Sometimes I have a lot to say and other times, not so much.  I like to write about my work, weight loss, my ZUMBA instructor adventures, and my personal views on things such as spirituality etc.  Some blogs may be funny things that happen through out my day, or just needing to vent.  Other times might be just about things that make me happy and feel good.

And there you have it!  The first one.  Interesting, huh?  LOL  More to come....

Live ~ Laugh ~ Love


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