Thursday, March 12, 2015

30 Days of Lists [first week follow-up]

Hi fellow Lister's!  How is it going so far?  I am a few days late in getting these posted, but I wanted to share how my first week looks. 

Just in case you missed the first 2 posts, you can catch up here.  

Here we go!!!

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Property of Amber Albright

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Property of Amber Albright

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Property of Amber Albright

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Property of Amber Albright

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Property of Amber Albright

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Property of Amber Albright

I hope you enjoyed my lists!  Let me know if you're on this journey also and where I can find your lists!  

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  1. What a fun monthly challenge! Are you decorating each of your lists or are the prompts given with the fun designs?

    1. Hi Suzanna! I'm decorating my lists but the prompts are given to us! It's been really fun so far. You can check it out if you like!


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